Friday, January 05, 2007

A Little Housekeeping

While working on some future topics, I wanted to take a moment to do some "thinking out loud" here about the creation of a new "UU discussion forum."

Like most Unitarian Universalists, I tend to have a lot of opinions (on a lot of subjects), and am more than willing to share them with all who care to listen. Not that any of them are any special "pearls of wisdom" of course. Admittedly, I also share with many of you the typical UU "catlike stubbornness"--and am not always quickly swayed that those opinions I hold are necessarily flawed and in need of revision. On the other hand, I'm a firm believer in growth: I at least try to stay open to "new light and truth," even when it comes from unexpected directions. My views on many subjects have indeed changed/evolved over the years--in some cases even more so than Francis David's theology--and I'm not done yet!

Also, like most UU's, I appreciate a good conversation, even when I'm just listening from the sidelines. I'd like to see more and more honest, thoughtful, courteous (and., yes, ideally humble) sharing of issues of concern to UU's, dialogue about our principles and values; our priorities; our living, still-unfolding heritage; and about such things as how to better share the "good news" about our UU faith--in a respectful, non-proselytizing manner that is in keeping with our highest values and principles.

In a continuing search for not only the best way to "speak my mind" but also to find the best possible venue (online, anyway) for the discussion of a wide range of topics, I have decided to (once again) test the "message board" route. I did this a while back, and my discussion forum never really achieved much of a "critical mass"--it had ten "members" at its peak. So, stubborn tomcat that I am, I've decided to give it one more try.

Therefore, I am hereby announcing the formation of "Our Choosing Faith" forum, and you are all cordially invited to join me there. You can find it at the address below, and please do consider bookmarking it for future use. (I'll also add a link to it here from this page.) "Our Choosing Faith" can be found at...

Please feel free to jump right in and post new topics for discussion there, or to make format suggestions, OK? We'll see how this little experiment works, and if it fails to take off, then at least we will have tried. In the future, I expect that much of what I'll be posting here (in this blog) will also get cross-posted over at this new forum for further discussion.

Thanks so much for your help!


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